


1. But:这个词是最常见的“但是”的英文表达方式之一,它可以用来表示转折、对照、反驳等多种意思。例如:

  • I want to go to the party, but I have to study for my exam.
  • She is beautiful, but she is also very shy.
  • I agree with you, but I have some reservations.
  • 2. However:这个词与but相似,但它通常用于表示更强烈的转折或对照。例如:

  • I was really looking forward to the party, however, I got sick and couldn't go.
  • She is a very intelligent person; however, she is not very good at expressing herself.
  • I understand your point, however, I still disagree with you.
  • 3. Although:这个词用于表示尽管存在某种情况,但仍然会发生另一种情况。例如:

  • Although he is very smart, he didn't do well on the exam.
  • Although she is very shy, she made a lot of friends at the party.
  • Although I don't like him, I respect him as a person.
  • 4. Even though:这个词与although相似,但它通常用于强调尽管存在某种情况,仍然会发生另一种情况。例如:

  • Even though he was sick, he still went to work.
  • Even though she was very tired, she stayed up late to finish her homework.
  • Even though I don't have a lot of money, I still try to help others.
  • 5. In spite of:这个词与despite相似,但它通常用于表示尽管存在某种情况,但仍然会发生另一种情况。例如:

  • In spite of the rain, we still went for a walk.
  • In spite of her disability, she is a very successful athlete.
  • In spite of the economic crisis, the company is still doing well.
  • 标签:but,however,although,even though,in spite of


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