Numbers in English: A Guide to Saying Those Digits

Imagine this: you're trying to order a pizza over the phone and you need to tell the person on the other end how many slices you want. Or maybe you're looking for a specific address and need to know how to say the house number. Numbers are essential for everyday communication, and knowing how to say them in English will make your life a lot easier.
Let's start with the basics:
Now, let's get a little more advanced. For larger numbers:
Remember, when dealing with large numbers, we use "and" to connect the different parts. For example, 1,234 would be "one thousand two hundred thirty-four."
And if you need to say decimal numbers, just say the whole number first, then "point," followed by the decimal part. For example, 3.14 would be "three point one four."
Learning to say numbers in English might seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, you'll be confidently counting, ordering, and navigating the world in no time!
2年前: “circle”这个英语单词,在不同的语境和用法下,读音会有所不同。今天,就让我来分享一下“circle”的读音秘笈,让你在各种场合都能自信地说出这个单词。
2年前: worked是work的过去式和过去分词,经常出现在文章当中。今天就来教大家如何正确地发音和使用worked。
2年前: turkey在不同的语境下有不同的读音,它的标准读法是“ˈtɜːrki”,但当它作为火鸡时,读音要稍作变化,变为“ˈtɜːrki”。下面我们就来看看turkey的两种读音。
2年前: SARS这个词语是严重急性呼吸综合症的英文缩写,相信大家对这个词语不会陌生,但对于SARS这个词语的正确读音,或许很多人都会疑惑,不同的人 pronunciations 都各不相同。今天我们就来聊聊SARS到底该如何正确发音。
1年前: 在日常英语交流中,"respectively"一词经常出现,它有“分别地、相应地”的意思,在不同语境下有不同的用法。接下来,我将带大家深入了解respectively的妙用,让大家在英语交流中更加得心应手。
1年前: 嘿,各位英语达人!还在为托业考试报名绞尽脑汁吗?不用慌,让我这个百科全书式的小精灵来为你们保驾护航。跟着我的步骤,报名之路将顺畅无阻,英语技能进阶之旅从此开启!
iLife 的世界:探索苹果强大的生产力套件
11个月前: iLife,苹果公司旗下的强大生产力套件,如同一双隐形的翅膀,助你轻松驾驭数字时代,激发无穷创意。跟我一起踏入 iLife 的奇妙世界,发现它能为你带来的无限可能!
Life Hacks in English: Everyday Tips for a Smoother Ride
9个月前: Life can be a whirlwind of chaos, but knowing a few simple English phrases and sayings can make navigating daily tasks and interactions a breeze. From ordering food to asking for directions, mastering these expressions can boost your confidence and help you feel more at ease in any situation.
8个月前: iWork 是苹果公司为 macOS、iOS 和 iPadOS 平台提供的免费办公套件。它包括 Pages、Numbers 和 Keynote 三个应用程序,分别对应文字处理、表格和演示文稿。如果你正在寻找功能强大且易于使用的办公软件,iWork 不失为一个不错的选择。
Bringing: A Look at the English Word with Many Meanings
8个月前: "Bring" is a simple word, but it carries a lot of weight in the English language. It's used in countless situations and can take on different shades of meaning depending on the context. Let's delve into the multifaceted world of "bring" and explore its various uses.
8个月前: 清明节,一个承载着哀思与希望的节日,也是我们缅怀先人、传承文化的时刻。今年,让我们一起用英语制作一份手抄报,向世界展现中国传统文化的独特魅力!
7个月前: 当我们沐浴在温暖的阳光下,不禁会思考“sunshine”这个词的真正含义。阳光不仅仅是地球上生命赖以生存的光源,它还具有丰富的象征意义,在我们的语言和文化中占据着重要的地位。